Alliance Majestics Mine All Mine

Name: Mine
Born: America, 29/04/2010
Color: blackHeight: 32 inch (= 80cm)
Licent for: AMHA, AMHR, EUSAM, BMP
Breeding conditions: 2500 euro for AMHA, AMHR, EUSAM, BMP
Mine is available for a few outside mares, please contact us for the possibilities.
Breeding fee is inclusive stabling of the mare and if necessary her foal.
With a guarantee for a live foal and ultra sound scannen for pregnancy.
Mine is really one in a million.
His pedigree is absolutely fabulous, you can say unequalled.
With Sequioa Majestic Mine as Sir and a Uno De Mayo-daughter as Dam, Mine is a top bred stallion
Mine is World Futurity Reserve Champion 2011 and
GRAND CHAMPION Junior Stallions Western Regional Show USA
Multiple European Grand Champion AMHA and AMHR
Multiple European Supreme Champion
This stallion is extremely athletics and very refined.
He has a beautiful head with very nice small ears and a beautiful neck and top line.
Are you looking for a stallions who gives a lot of show potential to your foals, don't look further.
Mine has the name that he is Majestics, yes..... he is a Majestic.